Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What is this bullcrap?!

Apple's new Shuffle. Have you seen this turd? There's only 1 button on it, all the other controls are accessed via the proprietary in-line headphone controller. This just smacks of a money-making scheme on Apple's part. I can't believe they need the money, so clearly this is an ego trip on the part of Jobs and Co. I think the price is too high ($80!) and it only comes in a 4 GB capacity. They even had the gall to go with the old crappy IPod earbuds instead of the newer IPhone headphones. I feel sorry for anyone who buys this because they are clearly misguided when it comes to small mp3 players.

A clarification about the first posting. When I said that we should be teaching smarter surfing, I was referring to not using programs like Limewire for downloading as most of the stuff on that network is laden with viruses and crapware. I don't know how many computers I've had to recover because the user was getting songs and movies (illegally!) off the Gnutella network. Also, the same concept I've used in writing research papers (start with a broad topic and narrow it down to something specific) can be applied to using the internet for searching. Rather than plugging "computers" in to Google and getting multimillions of results, look for a certain model or manufacturer to narrow and refine your results.  

String theory. Think of the smallest thing you can. Got it? Strings are even smaller. Unless you were thinking of strings in the first place. In which case you get a gold star. If you're into science and math, click here. If you're more of an art person who didn't make it past Math 99 at the community college, click here.

Until next time, may your life be less dramatic than a telenovela (Mexican soap opera).
Mr. B.

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